Saturday, 4 February 2012

APK Edit, Edit Your Own APK

Ever wanted to simply change an icon on your Android phone and found yourself lost in the endless lists of forum posts saying: you have to change heaven and earth to do this...

APK Edit is born!
(BTW, APK Edit has a child on its own now... I called him: File To Barcode)
If you like it, celebrate with me

With this little program you can simply change icons of your android application. It even lets you change the applications name.
But wait mike..... there's more.....
It even lets you edit the text used in applications.

Sounds to good to be true...
Well... to be honest.... it is.
But I've come a long way from that initial question to the final answer.
My conclusion so far, it works for most of my applications.
It probably will work on most of yours as well.

Try it out now!

(Caution: when overwriting an existing application you will loose your associated data!!!)

Special thanks goes out to:
Brut.all for creating Apktool, the backbone of this little project.

Java & .Net Framework 3.5 (Why build on one platform if you can build on two? I know, I know....)
For installing system apps - S-OFF

Nice to know:
Clicking on the [Icons:] tag in the General tab will open a browser window and search for icons in "Google images".
Donations will be "forwarded" to fellow developers like Brutt.all and others, reinforcing the greatness of today's world.

How the magic works:
When opening an APK file it first tries to decompile it using APK Tool (with the version selected in the settings tab)
If decompile failed, because of a missing framework file, it tries to find this file on your phone.
Most of the times it will find what its looking for, pull it off your phone and tries to recompile the whole thing again.
If somehow it cannot find the required framework file, it will provide you a list of possible files on your phone. You can then choose the correct file yourself.
Assuming this process finishes without any problem you now can edit the apk file.
When you press Apply it will recompile the apk and then sign the newly compiled file.
- System APK files (APK files that needed an additional framework file) will get a copy of the original signature.
- Other APK files will get a brand new signature.
When you Click the phone animation it will push the APK to your phone
- System APK files will be pushed to /system/app (ADB PUSH)
- Other APK files will be installed the normal way (ADB INSTALL)
If install failed due to some signature failure it will do some additional fancy tricks and try it again.

Upcoming features:
New option in settings tab -> Only allow one instance of APK Edit to open at once.
New option in settings tab -> Add/remove APK file association to registry.
New option on startup -> Option to open up a "Phone Explorer", lets you edit APK files directly from phone.

Known issues:
CarHomeGoogle.apk - Doesn't save changes
Quickoffice.apk - Doesn't show up after installing

Invisible Protector The Best Android App Protector

Invisible Protector protects your private applications by fake crash.When launching a protected app, it will throw a fake crash error which may mislead guest user into thinking that your app has a glitch or something. So it can stop guest from using your protected app in a natural manner.And it is hidden in the app menu. You only can access it by dial #999 followed by the call button.

# Guide

  1. Press an application in the list and select 'Protect' or 'Remove protect' context menu item to add/remove protect an application
  2. Enable protector, set password and select an unlock mode in Menu > Setting,the default password is empty
  3. When launching the protected application, it will popup a runtime error
  4. dialog, unauthorized people will be cheated and may click close button to close it
  5. For the owner, you can dismiss the error dialog by the mode you selected in
  6. Setting menu, please refer to the next section for detail

# Unlock Modes

  1. Double tap dialog message: when error dialog pop, double tap the message body of the dialog, then you can get the protected application
  2. Five tap dialog message: when error dialog pop, tap the message body five times
  3. Rotation: when error dialog pop, do the following motion to dismiss it:
    • Make your mobile screen face up at first
    • Start to rotate your wrist make the mobile screen face down
    • Then rotate your wrist in opposite direction to make the mobile screen face up again
  4. Double Rotation: similar to Rotation mode, but continue do it twice
  5. Password: click the report button on the error dialog, it will open a report feedback form. Of course, it's a fake form too. Then input password in the feedback text field. It will auto check what you typing and needn't click any button.
  6. Proximity: when error dialog pop, put your palm cover on (don't touch any button) the phone screen for 2 seconds; or put phone on your ear just like listening an incoming call for 2 seconds; or put phone screen close to your body for 2 seconds.

# FAQs

  • How to protect Locker itself
    Go menu > Setting > Password, to set a password for it, the password is used for password unlock mode and self-protection.
  • How to lock SMS?
    You need protect all sms apps if you install multiple SMS related applications.
  • How to lock pictures?
    1) You need protect both Gallery and Camera
    2) Other apps that can access to the pictures, such like file explorer
  • How to prevent someone from bypassing App Locker
    1) You need to protect Market, Setting and all Task Killers
    2) Don't kill Android Protector process

Bypassing Android's App Protector Using Nothing!

Did your have a friend that is using Android phone and he locked(protect) some of his app with some kind of protector like "Perfect AppLock" or any other utilities. Normally they are protecting by a password or any other special ways. But it doesn't matter, there is a way to let you show off by bypassing the protector.

NOTE: The "Settings" app must be unprotected or he got an unprotected task killer or you will not able to bypass the protector.

If the "Settings" is not locked then go in to the setting, then choose Applications, then Running Process. Look for a process that the name is similar to the protector or it is exactly the same with the protector. Click on it, then choose the "End task" or "Force close" button.... And..................... Tadadada, you had byppassed it!

If he got the "Settings" protected and the taskiller is unprotected then open the following taskkiller. Look for a process that the name is similar to the protector or it is exactly the same with the protector. Click on it, then choose the "End task" or "Force close" button.... And..................... Tadadada, you had byppassed it!

It will not work if both of it is protected. But mostly they will not protect it for easy accesses.